Archive for the ‘Milestone’ Category

Dear Readers,

It was one week ago today that we launched this site. When we did, we didn’t know what to expect. This note is to inform you that yesterday we reached our first milestone, which was to have over 100 unique visitors to the site in a single day. We surpassed that with 123 visits.

To help us expand more, we would like to ask for additional help. If there are articles that you enjoy, or even disagree with, please feel free to add a comment in the comments section of that post. Share these articles with your friends and family, as well as passing along links within your social networking circles. If you have suggestions for additional content, we would love to hear from you. We are always looking to improve and provide the information you are looking for.

Ultimately, it is our goal to have a large enough following to be able to start creating a monthly news stand version of this magazine which is looked at as “the” must read magazine in the mobile food industry. Without your assistance, and a little good luck, this may not be able to become a reality.

On behalf of Mobile Cuisine Magazine, I would like to extend our thanks to you. We are glad that you have found this site worth visiting, and we hope to continue providing information that keeps you coming back.

With Kindest Gratitude,

Richard Myrick
Editor-in-Chief: Mobile Cuisine Magazine
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